Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

Modern Social Justice (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 7)

Are the messages you hear around you teaching that God gave government the responsibility to enact justice by punishing those who do wrong and commending those who do right? Are they teaching that justice requires every person be treated equally (not that there must be equal outcomes) and that those who commit offenses must personally make them right, and this payment then brings an end to the matter? Are they teaching that government should apply the principles of equality and equal restitution to all areas of law? Are they promoting Biblical values in ways that are consistent with Scripture? Are they teaching the need for Jesus to heal the hurts caused by sins of injustice, and that only Jesus can give us the love required for forgiveness and virtue?

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Education, Devotional Ben Quine Education, Devotional Ben Quine

What is the Purpose of Government? (The Bible’s Answer for Justice, Part 5)

There is so much confusion and disagreement about the role of government! It’s little wonder, considering the many different types of government (monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, republic, etc.), and the many different political parties (Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, Communist, etc.). How are we to know what viewpoint is correct? Why do we even have a government, anyway? What is its purpose?

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