And There Was Light
The first recorded words God spoke were a command: “Let there be light.” And there was light. God separated the light from the darkness when he made night and day. From the moment of man’s first sin in Eden, spiritual darkness and light have been at cosmic war with each other. The struggle has been unrelenting, fierce, and irreconcilable. It has been manifest at a million different points of conflict throughout human history.
Biblical Worldview - Part 14 - The Pale Blue Dot
The “Pale Blue Dot.” Have you seen the picture? A truly beautiful photograph… It’s amazing to realize how tiny the earth is in comparison with the vastness of our solar system — not to mention the universe! To Dr. Carl Sagan this photograph revealed that humanity, the earth, and life itself are all insignificant given the scale of the cosmos. We’re just a tiny blip on the canvas of nature. So he suggested we find meaning and purpose by exploring space, searching for extraterrestrial lifeforms, and colonizing remote planets. Of course this begs the question: how can space exploration (a hopelessly too large task) give meaning?
Is Cultural Marxism Compatible with Christianity?
Two Different Worldviews: I will start by asserting that the Marxist worldview is incompatible with a Biblical worldview. . . Western civilization is based on the Biblical worldview, that is why cultural Marxists must destroy it. “Western civilization is under fire. That’s the ultimate enemy of the wokeness, of post-modernity, of cultural Marxism, of leftism, of all that stuff. The ultimate enemy is western civilization. They’re trying to deconstruct it.
Biblical Worldview - Part 9 - Why is there Evil and Suffering?
“I just don’t understand - why did this happen to me??” At some point or another, all of us have had questions to this effect. We all experience suffering, pain, and loss, and sometimes the pain is so great that it can be difficult to understand how God could allow it.
Biblical Worldview - Part 5 - The First and Last Adam
Frankenstein. Just that one word conjures up so many images! Countless books, movies, and stories have been based on the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley. But did you know that Frankenstein is not the name of the monster, but the name of the doctor who created him?
Biblical Worldview - Part 4 - Are Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 Reliable?
Many people find it difficult to believe the teaching of the first two chapters of Genesis. It is
easy to ask, “Are we sure that account is reliable?” or “Isn’t that just a general picture? It’s not meant to be taken literally, right?”
If we have a question about the Bible, the best place to find the answer is the Bible. As Major
Ian Thomas was fond of saying, “The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible!” So what does
the rest of Scripture teach us about Genesis Chapters 1 and 2?
Biblical Worldview - Part 3 - What is the Origin and Nature of the Universe?
“Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?” From ordinary people to famous philosophers, everyone has wrestled with questions of origin. In fact, every culture, every religion, and every worldview has attempted to answer questions of origin.