Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

These Boys, These Men

On June 6, 1984, standing on the cliffs on the northern shore of France where American soldiers had stormed ashore four decades earlier “to set free a suffering humanity”, President Ronald Reagan had come to salute those who survived.

He was joined by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, King Olav V of Norway, King Baudouin I of Belgium, Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada.

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Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

A Magnificent Thing

It was a cool, overcast day in the city. The crowds were large and restless. People were taken by a great sense of despair and desperation. Many were hurting. They were discouraged. Still, they managed some hopeful anticipation on this important occasion. Maybe this really would be better. They steeled themselves against an unfounded optimism. They had been disappointed before. Millions had given up hope.

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