Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Biblical Worldview - Part 12- What are Heaven and Hell Like?

As a child, I used to love going on road trips with my grandparents. Whenever we entered the lobby of a new hotel, I’d collect the little travel brochures for all the local sights. They didn’t cover every detail of the attraction, but they would usually give a pretty good feel for what it was like. What happens to people when they die? God’s Word provides a brief brochure-taste of eternity, to spur us here on earth.

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Education Ben Quine Education Ben Quine

Biblical Worldview - Part 11- What Happens to a Person at Death

“If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!” These

famous scripted words were spoken by Obi Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars. Darth Vader

accepts the gambit, plunging his former friend and mentor into the afterlife, which in the film is a

vague and undefined existence. Kenobi appears to be “at one with the force,” while

simultaneously retaining his individuality and the ability to speak to Luke, appearing in ghost-like

form. Of course, this is just a movie — but the philosophy resembles eastern worldviews that

seek the same goal of “becoming one with the universe.”

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Devotional David Halvorson Devotional David Halvorson

Psalm 67 – God Shall Bless Us

When we are blessed by the Lord, as commanded by Him, when we receive His blessing, His word, His promises, when we practice praise and the Lord Himself is our ruler, then the earth shall yield her increase and our own God shall bless us. 

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