Devotional Jack Wyman Devotional Jack Wyman

Reference Point

The resurrection gives purpose and value to our labor. All our efforts to alleviate suffering, show compassion, advance justice, combat corruption, educate for virtue, and create opportunity are never in vain. Never. Why? Because Jesus Christ has risen. He lives and reigns, and in due time he will make the world over.

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Devotional, Prayer Jack Wyman Devotional, Prayer Jack Wyman

Rolled Away

It’s still dark. The air is cool. There’s not a sound. It’s peaceful here—and beautiful. The large gnarled trees form a canopy over the well-trodden paths.

The sun would soon throw its brilliant rays across this rocky ground and illumine the mountainside.

A huge stone had been rolled across the entrance of the tomb two days earlier. This grave must be sealed—not to prevent a resurrection but to guard against an insurrection. To stop ardent disciples from stealing the body and claiming he’d come back to life. Guards had been dispatched to stand watch.

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Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds Prayer, Devotional Bunni Pounds

Wake Up – Part 2 (Mark Your Houses)

Last night was the beginning of Passover – the night the Jewish people all over the world celebrate their deliverance from Egypt and the night that the death angel passed over them. They will celebrate for seven days – the Feast of Unleavened Bread - to commemorate where they had to hastily obey God and leave Egypt…

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