Receiving the Deeper Blessings of God’s Grace
Such is the place obedience has in Holy Scripture, in the mind of God, in the hearts of His servants. We may well ask of ourselves, “Does it take that place in my heart and life?” Have we indeed given obedience that supreme place of authority over us that God means it to have, as the inspiration of every action, and of every approach to Him?
Psalm 33 – Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord
When the foundations of our nation and the nations of the world seem to be unraveling – God calls us, as believers in Himself, to look higher and see the eternal nation that He is building.
Psalm 1 - The Blessed Man Feeds Himself the Word of God
There is only one important difference between saints and sinners, and that is the blood of Jesus. There is nothing else that separates us. We are Godly for one reason only, because we have been born from above and have taken on the nature of Christ by believing in the death
The Blessings of Solitude
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” -Albert Einstein
As a millennial I’m always on the move—attending meetings, completing items on what seems to be a never-ending to-do list—and that’s how I like it. I consult various political clients, I teach for a college, I lead a non-profit that hosts summits to educate youth on conservative principles, and I sit on advisory boards of a few non-profits. I’m a doer, and in the past, it’s been hard for me to sit still for too long without going stir crazy. However, in the wake of this Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic…