Pray for and Love Your Enemies
Most of us have faced seemingly hopeless predicaments when another person has presented himself as an adversary. When things seem impossible, God has already provided an answer. Ours is to courageously act on His Word and pray selflessly for that person. God will move on your behalf when you “live out” His Law of Love.
Psalm 76- God Still Reigns
Psalm 76 begins with declarations of honor to the name of the Lord. In this Psalm, God’s name is lifted high. His mighty acts, on behalf of His people and righteous nations that honor Him, are extolled.
Psalm 67 – God Shall Bless Us
When we are blessed by the Lord, as commanded by Him, when we receive His blessing, His word, His promises, when we practice praise and the Lord Himself is our ruler, then the earth shall yield her increase and our own God shall bless us.