2024 Mid-Year Report

Hello, Friends!

One of our most steadfast supporters – James Robison, founder of Life Outreach International recently said “When I see what Bunni is doing for freedom in America, hope rises in my heart…She has taken simple weaknesses within the Body of Christ that God highlighted to her – prayer, voting, and engagement – and given us a path forward to strengthen our hands.”

Friends, while fear may be a motivating force for many in the political world, hope is the only force that moves people to action for the long term. Let me tell you this, our core message of PRAY, VOTE, and ENGAGE is reaching people and propelling them to action. God is moving through these three simple steps.

PRAY, VOTE, ENGAGE empowered a father who went on our DC trip last summer whose self-described motto was “pray, vote, complain”, to step out in faith and run for and win a seat as a member of his city council. Then, just a few weeks ago, Council Member Jonathan Reaves led the successful charge to overturn the divisive diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative in his community.

PRAY, VOTE, ENGAGE motivated a 26-year-old woman in Arkansas, who after discovering that the candidate for her district’s State House seat didn’t hold a biblical worldview, decided to run against him in the primary, where she won. When Alyssa Brown is elected in this November’s general election, she will be the youngest woman ever elected to the Arkansas State House.

PRAY, VOTE, ENGAGE inspired one woman to become a Christians Engaged area leader who is reaching out to pastors and sharing our ministry’s message across her community. In addition to being an area leader, Susan Cordre is now the chairwoman for our 2024 Conference being held at Sojourn Church, her local church family.

 Top Left: Bunni speaking at the #DontMessWithOurKids rally in Austin, TX; Bottom Left: Young adults attending our On-Ramp to Civic Engagement Seminar in Dallas, TX; Right: At #DontMessWithOurKids, we saw our call to action work as the crowd signed up to pray, vote, and engage.

This April, our rallying cry of hope connected with thousands of believers in Austin outside the Texas State Capitol during the #DontMessWithOurKids rally (watch here) to push back against the sexual indoctrination of children across America. Christians Engaged and our pledge to pray, vote, and engage continues to serve as the call-to-action link that takes motivated believers beyond one-time events and equips them with the tools needed to impact their communities and our nation on an ongoing basis.

Christians Engaged would not be here to serve the Body of Christ in this important election year without you!

The systems we have built together to engage people of faith have been created for “such a time as this“:

Our team, including Bunni Pounds, Lewis Hogan, and advisory board member Kyle Lance Martin leading prayer at Exalt Texas in Rockwall, May 3, 2024.

Since the beginning of 2024, members of our team have spoken in mega-churches, medium churches, and at multi-church rallies across denominational lines in Florida, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, and Texas. We are also continuing to sign up additional ministries to join with us in our engagement efforts. 

I have made 50+ media appearances on Christian TV, radio, and podcasts in support of my new book, Jesus and Politics: One Woman’s Walk with God in a Mudslinging Profession. Appearances include, the 700 Club, Life Today with James and Betty Robison, the Steve Deace Show, Lighthouse Faith with Lauren Green (Fox News), Truth and Liberty, and many more.

This spring, we released a full online campaign school featuring 20+ hours of training led by industry experts to empower and educate any believer with the insights needed to successfully run for office.

Our Vice President, Ben Quine and I are finalizing our 8-hour Biblical Worldview online course that will be released in June, and later this summer we will complete our Biblical Conduct course (slated for a fall release). These two courses will teach believers the Word of God will equip them to be disciple-makers for America.

Lastly, this summer, we are launching 1630, our ministry’s new young adult initiative (for 16–30-year-olds) to educate and equip them to make an impact in our nation. In support of this, we have just hired a full-time young adult director, and are taking 26 young adults on scholarship on our annual trip to Washington, DC this July. Additionally, we have built a dedicated website and created a marketing strategy to reach this important demographic and educate them on prayer, voting and engagement.

It is time for us to take our ministry’s message and resources even further. We are in an election year when people desperately need our hopeful alternative to the fear-based “politics as usual” approach that many organizations embrace. We are all in this together. We need your help to do what God has called us to do.

Our 2024 Conference will feature top Christian voices from across America.

Our Top-Line Ministry Goals for 2024

In 2024, we have so far raised $600,000, but we need to raise another $900,000 and need your help:

  • To reach one million Christians across America with strategically-placed online ads to engage them and call them to action ahead of the critical November elections and beyond.

  • To activate thousands of believers through our 2024 Conference, additional church outreach, and by drastically expanding our reach to young adults through special programs and activities designed for them.

  • To finish funding our Biblical Conduct online course and enroll more Christians in our other long-form classes through churches, strategic partnerships, and our area leaders.

Commit to Help Us with a Generous One-Time or Recurring Gift 

Will you help us? Could you make a generous gift of $10,000, $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, or $500 to fund a project and help us reach thousands of Christians to impact America? Or would you consider signing up to support Christians Engaged as a monthly partner for $100, $75, $50, or $25 a month? Our partners are an integral part of the revival that is taking place in the hearts of people across our nation. 

We love you and we need you. This is our year of HOPE together. 

For Liberty,

Bunni Pounds

Founder and President of Christians Engaged


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