Christians Engaged

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By Lewis Hogan

"Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD." (Isaiah 66:8)

Please allow me to use the above scripture knowingly out of context to express the wonder of the day. I know Isaiah 66 refers to the miracle of Israel being made a nation, but today I am applying it to the joy and wonder of June 24, 2022. Trust me, this day is a day for the intercessors. Like many of you in the pro-life arena, I have been prayerfully waiting for the day of the Supreme Court's Decision on the Dobb's Case. On the off chance it would be released this morning, I had the news playing in the background as I was working. When Rachel and I heard Roe v Wade was overturned, the weight and significance of this day brought me to my knees. In one day, the intercession and action of people over the decades and nation was answered. And although it is out of context and although America was not literally born today, I know a rebirth took place. No longer are we a nation that collectively gives the right to take the lives of the most innocent when they are the most vulnerable.

This is a rebirthing of our identify as a nation. THIS IS VICTORY and this is the timing of the Lord.

I am so overwhelmed by the timing of the Lord by this decision being released today. About a year ago I heard about Together 2022 making plans to come to the Cotton Bowl to hold another evangelism and revival gathering marking the 50 year anniversary of Explo '72. Out of Explo '72 the Jesus Movement gained momentum and evangelism spread around the world. My heart rejoiced when I heard about Together 22 as I had been saying for quite some time that a prayer gathering needed to occur on this 50th year. I so believe in the vision of Nick Hall for another Jesus Movement. Because of that on January 27, Rachel and I met with the Together 2022 team in a planning meeting held at the Cotton Bowl. At one point during that meeting, we moved to the field of the Cotton Bowl and I was asked to pray. As I stood on that field, I shared that the courtroom that Roe v Wade began in was just a couple of miles away and I declared that I believed that the decision of the Dobbs case could very well be released, if not on the day, on the week that Together 2022 holds the anniversary evangelistic revival gathering in Dallas at the Cotton Bowl. Standing in the middle of that field, I prayed that as the death culture is released off our nation that we would enter a season of revival and awakening that would go beyond what we could imagine.

So here we are on June 24 the day that Together 2022 is beginning their two day evangelism and outreach and and it just happens to be the same day that the Supreme Court releases the news that Roe v Wade has been overturned. To God be the Glory! I know that I know this is a sign and wonder and that we are entering into a season of harvest like never before. Please join in praying with me for the evangelism and outreach that is taking place in the metroplex this weekend. Please pray with me that new life will be the word of the day as many give their hearts and lives to Jesus.

This is a day of marking. Not only will this day be one for the history books, it is a day for the Book of Life.

As the map shows above, the battle will now move to the state level. There is a line being drawn between states that support life and states that don't. It is time for the church like never before to put action to her stance for life. We need to champion ministries like Embrace Grace and the local pregnancy resource centers. They are on the front line. We need to champion adoption and foster care. We need to champion moms and dads who need the body of Christ to come around them not only during pregnancy but during those early years and beyond.

Oh, that we would be resolute in our commitment to community, even when it is difficult and it is messy.

The season for revival is here but I believe it is going to take place not just in stadiums and in churches but even more so in homes and around dinner tables. We were made for such a time as this. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Our hearts sing of the goodness of God and his faithfulness to answered prayers. Not one prayer is wasted. God heard and hears them all. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!