Christians Engaged

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A Tipping Point Moment

By J. Nicole Williamson, Guest Contributor

In a new book titled The New Era of Glory, author Tim Sheets writes, “Tipping-point moments or defining moments are decided by who defines the moment. King Jesus has called His ekklesia, His ruling and reigning Body, His governing intercessors to rise up and define this moment.”[1]

There is a fresh move of the Holy Spirit working in the heart of Jesus’ Body (His ekklesia) to stand up and define the moment we are in, and not just through prayer but through civic engagement, too. We have the calling and biblical authority to help define the direction of this national moment. This is more than just about COVID-19; it is about the many issues that face our lives, families, and nation, including national policies.

The neglect of a righteous voice in the public square and at the ballot box has allowed corruption to impact every level of society. Today, many Christians are starting to hear the call to engage our civic duties with heaven’s wisdom, but we need many more to step into God’s action plan for this hour. The church must rise, denounce our agreement with silence, and be who we are called to be as heaven’s spokesmen on Earth – including in realms of government. The truth is, nations fall to folly when the wise say nothing. It’s time to speak up.

We are here to govern Earth according to our Father’s design as seen in Genesis 1:26-28. It is that design that Christ’s work on the cross restores us to. As the Body of the King and Ruler of the nations, government is in our DNA. Our identity in Him is more than for personal salvation; it is to release His Kingdom on Earth through the works of the Holy Spirit. Those works are intended to prosper life on Earth in every way and in every realm of culture, including every governing agency.

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said He would build His church – His ekklesia. Most Christians don’t even know what the term ekklesia means. The early church, however, well understood the Greek term as referring to a body of people called out to legislate regarding social affairs and the king’s mandates. They understood the governing nature of who God’s people were called to be all along. In Acts 7:38, Stephen rehearsed the story of God’s leading His people out of Egypt and through the wilderness to possess the land He had for them. God’s plan involved removing wickedness and witchcraft that was corrupting the land; He would do this through His people. Their assignment was to carry His presence and prosper the land in a way that glorified the Lord of heaven and earth. Stephen referred to God’s people as His “church” – His ekklesia!

All throughout the Old Testament we read about God’s assembly and congregation. The word assembly (Heb. cowd) means an intimate counsel among friends or family, while the root word for congregation (Heb. ed) means a witness, prince, or legislator as giving testimony. We must understand our role as those who carry spiritual authority in prayer and practical action for legislating and testifying to what is right, true, and just in the public square.

It’s time for the Church to tip this moment in favor of heaven’s decrees of life and a nation’s well-being, instead of letting hell tip our nation towards destruction. It’s time for the ekklesia to rise, shine and give witness to what is good for all. It’s time to pray, vote, and engage.

[1] Sheets, Tim. The New Era of Glory. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 2019. 17.


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