Christians Engaged

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It’s Not A Cruise, But A Rescue

By Jordan Lewis

It is easy for Christians in American to find themselves busy, confused, and misdirected.  We live in a country where the median family ranks among the top decile of global wealth.  We are told we can say what we want, live how we want, eat what we want, and believe what we want.  Between family duties, attending church, performing various roles of service, and work obligations, we feel like we are doing all we can, and our faith often becomes the confidence in our reward if we just do not commit the "big sins" and seek forgiveness for the "little ones." (Note: James 2:10 suggests that if we break one law, we break all of the law). 

We hear that we are not to be ashamed of the Gospel since it is the power of God to save mankind.  So maybe we take a week out of our busy year to go on a mission.  Maybe we volunteer regularly.  Maybe we actively share the hope we have in Christ on a daily basis with every stranger we meet.

But our communities are breaking down around us: full of misinformation, racial or ethnic division and strife, corrupt leadership, misappropriation of public dollars, expansion of toxic philosophies that deprive us of our rights, and the complete transformation of our school systems - from preschool to the post-graduate level - into reeducation centers where every attempt is being made to expunge both Christ and fundamental truth from the minds of future generations?

Does following Christ require us to get involved in these problems?

Yes.  We must be faithful to care for our neighbors at the cost of our lives like Christ loved us.  We must ensure our leaders and judges are versed in truth and understand their relationship before God.  Moreover, our Savior told us that unless we are completely devoted to following him - at the expense of family and our own selves - we are not his disciples.  How are we called to follow him?  We are called to go to the world (including our community), make disciples, baptize people, and teach them to observe all Christ commanded us.  How do we do this?  We must manifest "good works" and "good fruit" before men, that they may see our father in heaven.  We must profess Christ and rejoice when we are persecuted for it!  We are called to do the will of the Father, to constantly rely upon Him for all things - to trust that He will care for us.  This is not passive living, believing blithely that God will take care of the people we like and our stuff.  This is us: talking to God, asking Him what He would have us do, stepping out into it no matter the cost, and trusting boldly that He will care for all of the blessings and obligations with which He has tasked us if we are merely faithful.

The more you read the Bible, you will see this message: Trust God, Act in Faith.  We are not entitled to pleasure or comfort, they are but blessings from God who created our ability to enjoy it; we are not here to reap the rewards of our hard work, but to work tirelessly, sustained by the Living Waters and the Bread of Life until our lives are spent or poured out before God as a living sacrifice.  

This sort of living requires Christians to be engaged.  Pray to the Father and listen to His response.  Do what He says.  Go out into your community, make disciples of your neighbors, baptize them, and teach them to obey Christ's teachings.  Love them like Christ loved you, laying down his life when you were set against him as an enemy.  Vote.  How does "vote" fit in?  Your vote is your fruit, your personal action in our governmental system to make change, aside from running for office yourself.  Vote for God's best for your neighbors, as an act of love.  If you are not sure which way to vote on something: pray and read the Bible.  

Which brings me to my last point: if God tells you to represent your community, RUN.  Don't allow the Deceiver to empower people who will not make righteous decisions.  When you win, use your office as a platform both to share God's Word and to live differently than any politician you have seen live before.  Christ taught us that our lives must be demonstrably different, not because of our righteousness but as the natural outcome of being sanctified in our lives and thinking as we submit to him.  Do not stand for a political side, be the fulfillment of God's law on this Earth as you trust your talent, time, and treasure to Him.  This world is not only full of problems but of people who are lost and desperately need rescue.  

Make sure you are on a rescue mission, and not a pleasure cruise.  Make sure the pleasure cruise is not your heart's true aspiration.  Be faithful and see God save the lost and transform your community.