Christians Engaged

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By Trayce Bradford

After doubling up on homeschooling so we would have extra vacation days the week of Thanksgiving, I was ready to be done with any form of studying! Instead I sat down to work on this new project - Christians Engaged - and immediately put myself back into study mode. I decided that I wanted to know more about what the word ENGAGED meant.  If we were going to ask people to “engage” - what was it and what were we hoping to see occur? What would be our messaging?

As I began word searching and digging, I didn’t have to go far before finding out that the word engage is derived from an Old French word engagier "bind” (by promise or oath), pledge!  Bind, promise, oath…pledge!

I was thinking the definition would be to encounter, more tactical, but I have to say I loved what I saw. The backbone of what we are wanting to accomplish through Christians Engaged is to have Christians realize the value of their ENGAGEMENT in prayer, voting, and activism, and we will take a ‘pledge’ to do just that and begin the process for many of us and continue it for others.

Bind yourself to PRAYER for your nations 5 minutes a week!

Promise to VOTE in each election!

Pledge your time and energy to some action or activity that is your heart’s cry or your passion to make a difference for your state and your nation.

As I read these words again - there is a weightier feel to them. I am not just saying that I will pray but I am giving my word to do so. There is an ownership taking place here. As I continued digging into the word ENGAGE the more intertwined the whole picture was becoming. The word ENGAGE in more current definitions means ‘fully occupied or having your full attention’!  Now that is commitment!


Think of the gift we have been given in this nation to have the opportunity to ENGAGE when and where we want to; to currently still pray when and where we choose to, and the freedom to cast our voice in a vote each election.

As a citizen of America, we have the choice to ENGAGE - be involved in, to take part in, to join by praying, voting, taking action on our firmly held beliefs on the very issues we are most concerned.  As a citizen of heaven, we are directed to be involved in, take part in, join in praying for our nation and its leaders, voting and using the gifts and talents we have been given to make a difference in this nation. We are commanded to be a good steward, not a foolish one.

As I look over these words again and think about the word ENGAGE - I see more than a simple action but an invitation - an invitation to be integrally involved in a nation turning its heart to God.

Will you join us today in ENGAGING?

Take the Pledge to PRAY, VOTE, and ENGAGE and let’s change America together.